
Ovostat Gold Tablet 0.0375 mg+0.75 mg

  • 70.18Tk.

Indications Linestrenol and ethinyl estradiol is a combined contraceptive pill that is indicated as an oral contraceptive. Dosage & Administration The pill should be taken at the same time every day as per the instructions. Start taking the pill on the first day of your period. Pills can be started any day within 2-5 days of menstruation, but in that case condoms should be used for the first seven days while taking pills in the first month. Take 1 pill daily, for 22 consecutive days. After 7 days of pill free time, start taking the pill from the next new packet. Within these 7 days you will have your period which can sometimes continue till the next packet starts. If the menstrual cycle continues, start the next packet of this pill on the seventh day. As long as you do not want children, continue to take the pill according to this rule. Interaction Some medications such as ampicillin, tetracycline, barbiturates, hydrants, primidone, carbamazepine, and rifampicin may reduce the effectiveness of the pill. Be sure to consult your doctor if you need to take any other medicine while taking the pill. Contraindications In cases where you cannot use combined contraceptives- Venus thrombosis is present or was present Cardiovascular accident and myocardial infarction With diabetes mellitus if there are symptoms related to the circulatory system Severe high blood pressure Severe dyslipoproteinemia If there is a tendency for congenital or otherwise venous or arterial thrombosis If malignant conditions in the genitals, breasts or liver are known or suspected If there is a complex disease of the liver, even if there is a previous description of the failure of liver function to return to normal If there is vaginal bleeding for unknown reasons If there is any hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients in this pill Side effects In the early stages, some people may experience some temporary side effects such as headache, dizziness, nausea, or menstrual cramps while taking the pill. But if you take the pill regularly, all these symptoms will go away in two to three months. There is no reason to worry too much about all these symptoms. However, if the side effects continue for more days, then a doctor's advice must be taken. Pregnancy & Lactation You cannot use a combined contraceptive if you are pregnant or have doubts about it. Precautions & Warnings If the pill is not taken at the specified time and if it does not exceed 12 hours then the effectiveness of the pill is maintained. In this case, take the pill whenever you remember and take the next pill at the right time. If more than 12 hours pass, the effectiveness of the pill decreases. Then you have to follow the following rules. Remember to take special care if you forget to take the pill any day in the 1st and 3rd week. Otherwise the risk of pregnancy may be higher. Consult a doctor if you forget to take the pill in the first week and have sexual intercourse in 6 weeks before you forget. If you have not had sex Eat the forgotten tablet Take extra precautions for seven days Finish the pack If you forget to take the pill in the second week Eat the forgotten tablet Finish the pack If you forget to take the pill in the third week Eat the forgotten tablet Finish the pack Exclude tabletless breaks Start the next pack Or Close the current pack Take breaks without tablets Not more than 7 days including the day of the forgotten tablet Start the next pack If you forget more than one pill of the pack, you must take the advice of a doctor. You can get pregnant if you forget to take the pack pill and you are not menstruating on the first pill free day. Consult a doctor before starting the next pack. Caution Other physical conditions, which may cause circulatory problems, but have nothing to do with the use of combined contraceptives, require caution. Caution is needed in cases such as diabetes mellitus, systemic lupus erythematosus, hemolytic uremic syndrome, chronic inflammation of the abdominal vein, etc. Frequent migraines, tumors, chronic liver function problems also require caution. Women who are breastfeeding also need to be careful as the combined contraceptive pill can change the quantity and quality of breast milk. Women with diabetes need to be careful when using combined contraceptives, especially when starting to eat. Women who have a history of Cloesma gravidarum will ignore the hot sun. Consult a contraceptive pill user if you experience any of the following unwanted problems such as breast tenderness, headache, migraine, contact lens discomfort, various skin problems, edema, body weight change, etc. Therapeutic Class Oral Contraceptive preparations Storage Conditions Keep in a dry place away from light at a temperature of 2 ° C-25 ° C. Keep out of reach of children.

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